
Le port d’Anvers va capturer et liquéfier son CO2 émis

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Le projet Antwerp@C fait un grand pas en avant vers la réduction de moitié de l’empreinte carbone

Les études d’ingénierie ont commencé, la décision finale d’investissement est attendue pour la fin 2022


La concentration de phosphore augmente en Baltique

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The research vessel Aranda has returned from its annual winter monitoring cruise. The cruise investigated the current physical and chemical state of Finnish sea areas and the levels of harmful substances in the sea. Phosphorus levels we… […]

Solstad veut réduire ses émissions de CO2 de 50% d’ici 2030


In its efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of its 90 vessel fleet, Solstad Offshore has turned to the technology company Wärtsilä for collaboration. The aim is to achieve a 50 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030. Partnership is seen as being key to finding the right solutions.
